Welcome to BCHG Community

If you are new here, this is a community of battle cats players wherein we do giveaways of hack accounts for battle cats global and japanese versions.


Application for Giveaways Raffle!

 You have now the chance to have an ultimate account! Please support me by doing this! Share my channel to your friends and let them win an account too! =)

Fill up the form below. One account per head policy. Giveaways Raffle will be drawed every wednesday and saturday. All emails from the forms will be collected and spinned in the video. If you happen to be the winner, i will send a code in your email :)


Please comment your feedback and insight on the post. Thank you!

  1. just did my thing for the raffle hopefully i get it

  2. I hope I win if I win I will give to my best friend

  3. If I win I would freak out lol

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