Becoming author is fun!
Sharing your contents with other people, creating a productive and working community.
I'm so happy that you have made it here.
Without further do, let's get started.
First, go to [preview=contact us] page to apply as an author. Through there I will receive your email about your application.
See the image below as an example of your application.
Just put your name, email and a little message like 'i want to become an author.'
Second, wait until you have received an invitation on becoming a bloggers author. NOTE Do not forget to check your spam folder.
Afterwards, click accept invitation button.
There, you are now a complete author in BCHG. 👏
Signing in
Once you become an author, you have the right to post directly to the blogsite. Your post will be private with other co-authors, they can't edit nor open your post.
Go to [preview=Blogger]
Sign in with your gmail account you have used in applying from the contact form.
If you are first time in blogger, you will see something similar like this.
Just go to your Gmail app, click accept invitation. Make sure you are using the google account you have used in applying from the contact form. Once completed accepting invitation, you will be automatically redirected to Battle Cats Hacks Giveaways content.
This means that you are already accepted as author on the blogsite.
However, you will be needing an external application for posting. This is more simplified than what is available in the browser.
Download [download=Blogger on Playstore]
Open the app after installation.
Sign in with your author gmail account.
You will see on lower right corner a pen logo which allows you to create a post. Click on that.
You will be directed to a new window. Having three input fields Title, Body and Labels.
Title must contain the title of your post.
Body contains the body of the post wherein you can insert some image, url and a lot of text.
Labels is the category for your post.
As an author, you must include AUTHORS tag in your label.
This is for your post to show on the homepage as a featured content.
You can add a lot of style with your post including embedded youtube videos, adding download button links and more using Shortcodes.
More information about [preview=Shortcodes]
There will be a lot of updates to come, please standby. Thank you for reaching into the end.
Thanks! BCHG Admin©