Welcome to BCHG Community

If you are new here, this is a community of battle cats players wherein we do giveaways of hack accounts for battle cats global and japanese versions.


Mato Anomalies Repack Updated

This is just a notice for my subscribers about freshly updated Mato Anomalies repack . Now it’s updated to Digital Deluxe Ed…

Adore – v1.0 (Release)

#3623 Adore v1.0 (Release) Genres/Tags: Action, Isometric, 3D Companies: QUByte Interactive, Cadabra Games Languages: E…

Venba: Deluxe Edition + Bonus OST

#3622 Venba: Deluxe Edition + Bonus OST Genres/Tags: Adventure, 2D Company: Visai Games Language: ENG Original Size: 1…

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