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[BCJP] — The Battle Cats (v11.9.0) Template

What is Template?
    — Technically speaking, it is called Script. A script is a set of instructions stored in an importable file which executes by game guardian. Since there are more than one script being compiled then I called it a template. But according to some definition across random website is shown below.
As said earlier, you need game guardian to import this so-called template. Importing the template leaves not a 100% guaranteed that it will work. First, the battle cats game on startup loads on different part of memory on different machines. Though for some time, it works with different machine with the same emulator (eg. MeMu). Download game guardian apk below. Note: Game guardian works with a rooted environment and in virtual environment (Parallel Space, VirtualXposed).
You also need to download the battle cats version 11.9.0 which is the only version supported for the template. Mods with the same version will not work with this template. After, you can open the game guardian, select the battle cats memory and start to upload the scripts from the template.

Download Template

The template was made with MeMu emulator with game guardian version 101.1 and the battle cats [jp] v11.9.0. If you are having trouble in importing the scripts, such as CB memory is 0 byte and different outcome, please comment on the YouTube video. 

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