Welcome to BCHG Community

If you are new here, this is a community of battle cats players wherein we do giveaways of hack accounts for battle cats global and japanese versions.


Crazed Metal Assassin Bear & Black Brollow [PACK]

Another downloadable pack is available here. 
Introducing - The Crazed Ass'n Bear & Black Brollow Pack

So what's this all about? Well it's a very hard stage and a very strong units.

The pack comes with 3 available units as shown below.
and of course two different stages as shown below.
You need BCU apk to import this pack and use them.
don't worry, there's much units to import and to defeat this stages 😅
Download Section
[link=Crazed Assassin Bear Pack (Google Drive)]
[download=BCU apk (Direct Link)]{alertSuccess}


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