[download=MeMu Offline Installer] [download=Game Guardian] [download=The Battle Cats]
hi there!
in today's video we will
see on how to unlock all units
very EASY!
all u need to have is MeMu to have rooted environment, then download
Battle cats and Game Guardian.
we are good to go!
launch battle cats and game guardian, open GG and select battle cats
check CB C++ memory
u need at least enough xp to upgrade any unit,
in this time, we r upgrading the basic cat,,,
but before that lets open gg and make a FUZZY search
u will see random value results
u will see also four result with high amount of values...
the first two values are XP real and base value.
base value must be set always to ZERO
the second two values are the units level, base value must be set to zero too.
did u see the outcome? the value for xp and units level are randomly assigned.
now let us set the real value,,,
now let us go deeper,
how are we gonna unlock all units???
as i said it is so easy!
we will find the address of where this basic cat is located..
by doing so, we will jump to their address by going to XP address..
let's scroll down and find a multiple series of zerosss
after u see multiple series of zeroes, make sure u are seeing identical values..
unlock units value is morethan "1" of the unlock units...
notice it here
this one is basic cat with the last address of "253"
meanwhile other result has the last address of "252"
let's make the basic cat address to 252 and see the result.
as u see basic cat is locked.
so we will add 1 to it again and result to 253
and he is now unlocked.
now we will be unlocking all units as I said,
The trick here is to search the "unlocked values"
lets copy the value of unlocked units
lets clear the search result.
now deselect all results, go to the most bottom search and remove the last one...
and you are done.
just highlight all result, edit and subtract 1 and save.
Watch the whole tutorial here.
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