Welcome to BCHG Community

If you are new here, this is a community of battle cats players wherein we do giveaways of hack accounts for battle cats global and japanese versions.


[#515] (ENGLISH) The Battle Cats Massive Giveaways (20 Accounts!)

Colossal Account (4x Ads)

  • Cat food: 30,000
  • XP: 1,000,000
  • Battle items: x7,000
  • Upgrades: +999 (except wallet, study and energy -> +300)
  • Units unlocked: all
  • Units Level: 50 + 60
  • True Form: none
  • Chapters unlocked: none

How to get the accounts?
  1. Subscribe to the channel (optional)
  2. Watch the video below to see account details.
  3. Answer the question below, you can refer to youtube video's comments.
  4. If you got the correct answer, you will view some ads.
  5. If you get to the ADS website, just go back and you can now proceed.
Answer this question and you get to the ad zone.
When you're in the ad zone, bypass the number of ads and you get to the codes.
You can take as many codes as you want.

"Enter the password you see on the video"
Your answer must be all lowercase. Example: crazed cat.

If you are having a problem in getting the codes such as bypassing ads or incorrect password or anything related problem, please coordinate by:

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