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Battle Cats SB (version 13.5.0) Build 2.0c

Original content: https://shakurelbelacbattlecats.blogspot.com/p/the-battle-cats-sb-build-v20c.html

Battle Cats SB is a battle cats mod that is all units are made High Quality! This mod is started and founded by Shakurel Belac.

The Battle Cats SB 13.5.0 Build v2.0c

Game Version: 13.5.0

Build Version: 2.0c

Build 2.0c Update:

New HD Units have been added including:

#075-f Windy

#075-c Windy, type α

#075-s Divine Windy

#075-u Ultimate Windy

#076-f Thundia

#076-c Thundia, type ß

#076-s Divine Thundia

#078-f Space Cat

#078-c Major Space Cat

#078-s Space Marine Cat

#079-f Adult Cat

#079-c Sick Cat

#079-s Prisoner Cat

#080-f Evil Cat

#080-c Gentleman Cat

#080-s Gentlemen Bros.

#081-f Doll Cats

#081-c Cat-o-tron

#081-s Nyalladin

#082-f Blue Shinobi

#082-c Red Shinobi

#083-f Sodom

#083-c Earth King Sodom

#083-s God-Emperor Sodom

#084-f Megidora

#084-c Holy Dragon Megidora

#084-s God-Emperor Megidora

#085-f Vars

#085-c Dragon King Vars

#085-s God-Emperor Vars

#086-f Kamukura

#086-c God Dragon Kamukura

#086-s God-Emperor Kamukura

#087-f Raiden

#087-c Dragonslayer Raiden

#087-s God-Emperor Raiden

#088-f Rope Jump Cat

#088-c Pair Rope Jump Cat

#088-s Noodle Cats

#091-f Crazed Cat

#091-c Crazed Macho Cat

#091-s Manic Mohawk Cat

#092-f Crazed Tank Cat

#092-c Crazed Wall Cat

#092-s Manic Eraser Cat

#093-f Crazed Axe Cat

#093-c Crazed Brave Cat

#093-s Manic Dark Cat

#094-f Crazed Gross Cat

#094-c Crazed Sexy Legs Cat

#094-s Manic Macho Legs Cat

#095-f Crazed Cow Cat

#095-c Crazed Giraffe Cat

#095-s Manic Lion Cat

#096-f Crazed Bird Cat

#096-c Crazed UFO Cat

#096-s Manic Flying Cat

#097-f Crazed Fish Cat

#097-c Crazed Whale Cat

#097-s Manic Island Cat

#098-f Crazed Lizard Cat

#098-c Crazed Dragon Cat

#098-s Manic King Dragon Cat

#099-f Crazed Titan Cat

#099-c Crazed M. Titan Cat

#099-s Manic Jamiera Cat

New HD Enemies have been added including:

#066 Lucky Sloth

#067 Bears Be Bare

#069 White Cyclone

#070 Black Cyclone

#071 Metal Cyclone

#075 Crazed Cat

#076 Crazed Tank Cat

#077 Crazed Axe Cat

#078 Crazed Gross Cat

#079 Crazed Cow Cat

#080 Crazed Bird Cat

#081 Crazed Fish Cat

#082 Crazed Lizard Cat

#083 Crazed Titan Cat

Exclusive and removed units made obtainable !!

#045 Maiko Cat

#053 Evangelist Cat

#054 Type 10

#062 Toy Machine Cat

#077 Droid Cat

#089 Nimue

#090 Monkey King

Misc. changes:

Masked Cat is no longer region locked but is still unobtainable. Will find a fix soon.

Updated to version 13.5.0

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Also you can support Shakurel Belac by downloading through linkvertise.


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